Good Find...The wasatch acadamy

Me, my brothers Clayt and Ryan, and my normal riding buddies Darren Dickerson and Bryce Hoer thought it would be fun to get some spring powder, so we forked out a few bucks and rented a snowmobile. Darren had heard there was some good trails and good snow south of the Uintas near Fairview. So we headed up not really knowing what we were getting ourselves into. As we headed up the canyon nothing was looking to promising and it was looking like we had just spent a few hundred on a nice scenic drive. Toward the top of the canyons we made a turn and literally there is was. The Wasatch Academy, a snowboard ski school for local kids in area. The place was just so random and in the middle of no where. There were jumps and plenty of fun jibs. We unloaded the ski and towed each other up and down the closed park all day. We had it all to ourselves.

I put together just a fun little video, not much good riding but we got a few good shots.

PhotoThieves at the Wasatch Acadamy from Nate Gunn on Vimeo.

My dad had this idea years ago to shoot pictures of guys at the beach surfing and then sell them online. To any surfer its a genius idea. No one likes to be the guy sitting on the beach taking pictures their friends all day. Being in high school my priorities were else where and it never really happened.
So this last year with a little more time on my hands Ive been looking into doing it but on the mountains. So I got a couple business savvy kids together and my brothers to help me out and next thing I know we had a brand, the site was up, and we were shooting photos of kids in the park. We decided we would take things slow and just test it out and see if it could go anywhere. 85% of new products fail but 75% of new products are never tested. So we headed out to do a few free photo sessions.
The Canyons beta testing went really well. We shoot about 50-60 kids in just over an hour in the park and had about 350 page hits by that night and another 300 the next day. That 650 different computers(ip addresses) so we were pretty stoked to see the word getting around to riders social networks. We had a few more test shoots that followed the same pattern.
As of now were kinda in limbo waiting for the next season and if things go to plan, will start price testing the 10/11 season.
Its been a ton of fun, so whether is works out or not its been a blast.

Check it out